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Task ID 107
Description Every gram panchayat (in which there are 2 to 7 villages) should be having a primary health centre where basic health facility should be available and everyone should be geting integrated treatment.for that,this centre should be modern.what treatment is given should be noted online and payment will be made directly from person's acgount.Next,in this centre ,there should be a pregnancy department.every woman living in that panchyat area will be registered immediately after knowing that she is pregnant.then periodically checkup will be done,neccesary food will be provided, neccesary advice will be given about what she should do and what she should not.etc .if this happens then i strongly believe that child death rate will decrease and would become zero after sometime.Sarkar ka yeh pran ho sachcha,Kuposad se na mare ek bhi bachcha.
Status : Open,   Priority : Critical,  Rating Points : 80,   Assigned To : government
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Field DateAdded AddedBy
Rating Feb 14 2018 8:01PM Varatharajan
NewValue : 80 OldValue : 99