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Task ID 116
Description State government needs a popularity so they need good % of result. For that they ordered the teachers to make all the students pass with good marks.. That poor student with good marks will enter in college and also without any knowledge they cleared their degree.... Then how will they shine in their future?. For that the basement of their education must be strong....this is done by make the valuation in correct manner......
Status : Open,   Priority : Critical,  Rating Points : 1,   Assigned To :
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PblDescription Mar 30 2024 5:27PM Varatharajan
NewValue : State government needs a popularity so they need good % of result. For that they ordered the teachers to make all the students pass with good marks.. That poor student with good marks will enter in college and also without any knowledge they cleared their degree.... Then how will they shine in their future?. For that the basement of their education must be strong....this is done by make the valuation in correct manner...... OldValue : Now a days in India the school education is going very worst, state government needs a popularity so they need good % of result. For that they ordered the teachers to make all the students pass with good marks.. That poor student with good marks will enter in college and also without any knowledge they cleared their degree.... Then how will they shine in their future?. For that the basement of their education must be strong....this is done by make the valuation in correct manner......